Medical Assistants are Vital to Quality Patient Care

Posted On July 26,2021

When you are looking for a career path with job security, opportunity for advancement, a good wage, and the chance to make a difference in the lives of your patients, becoming a medical assistant is an excellent choice. Medical assistants are vital to patient care in every medical facility. From administrative to clinical tasks, medical assistants are a key part of the healthcare system.Medical assistant working on administrative tasks.

What Do Medical Assistants Do?

Medical assistants perform a variety of tasks, many of which were once the responsibility of nurses. This allows nurses to take on more direct patient care and provide a better experience for all involved in the healthcare facility. Medical assistants take patient histories, vital signs, and collect blood and fluid samples. MAs also serve as liaisons between patients and other healthcare professionals and have an ample amount of patient interaction. Medical assistants work in conjunction with the entire healthcare team to provide the best patient care. As one of the fastest growing professions, the need for medical assistants is very high and projected to increase. With all the skills that medical assistants bring and the duties they can perform, certified candidates are highly sought after and job security is high.

How Medical Assistants Contribute to Patient Care

Medical assistants help streamline patient care through both the administrative and clinical roles they play. In many cases, medical assistants will help “translate” medical terminology into language that the patient can easily understand. This communication will help ensure that patients understand the doctor’s orders and will follow them, which is beneficial for a speedy recovery. Medical assistants will help instruct patients on their treatment, answer the questions they may have, and help relay their concerns to the rest of the healthcare team. They are a compassionate presence for patients who may be stressed, overwhelmed, and nervous about their treatment. 

Why Medical Assistants are So Vital to Medical Facilities

Medical assistants help optimize the workflow of healthcare facilities. A medical assistant will work with the physicians, nurses, administrative staff, and patients to best manage the care for every patient. Medical assistants provide the link between patients and the remainder of their healthcare team and play a vital role in streamlining the process of patient care. In many instances, a medical assistant will be the consistent face every patient will rely on during the appointment and will help them best communicate with the rest of their medical team.  Medical assistants understand that the best patient care means effectively communicating and showing genuine compassion for their patients, and being a team player within the staff keeps the office running smoothly.

If you have the desire for a career with job security, the opportunity for advancement, and the ability to make a difference in the lives of your patients, becoming a medical assistant may be the right choice for you. The skills you will gain and the satisfaction you will have as an advocate for your patients is rewarding, and with the variety of duties and healthcare facilities you can experience, you will always have the chance for fulfilling work. Contact Athena Career Academy today for more information about our accredited programs.