6 Things Healthcare Employers Want in a Medical Assistant

Posted On November 12,2021

Medical assistants are in demand and highly versatile. They play an essential role in the daily operations of physician’s offices and other healthcare facilities. They perform both administrative and clinical tasks ranging from medical billing and coding to drawing blood and suture removal. 

Medical assisting is an excellent, rewarding career, but it’s not suited for everyone. Employers know there are certain qualities that make a good medical assistant. Although some of these skills can be taught or developed with experience, some people will have difficulty thriving in an environment that doesn’t align with their strengths. 

It can be helpful to know which qualities employers are looking for, so you can decide if becoming a medical assistant is a good fit for you.A medical assistant writing down a patient's medical history.

1. Communication Skills

Medical assistants must have good communication skills to succeed at their job. Medical assistants are often one of the first points of contact for a patient, so it’s crucial that they have strong verbal and written communication skills. They will also need strong communication skills to obtain an accurate patient medical history, and to help explain treatment plans prescribed by the doctor to the patient. 

2. Empathy 

It’s not uncommon for patients to feel emotional and scared when they’re not feeling well, so it’s important for medical assistants to have empathy. If you’re thinking about becoming a medical assistant, you’ll be working with people of all ages from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Having empathy will help you better connect and relate to your patients. 

3. Attention to Detail 

Working as a medical assistant means obtaining health information from patients and logging it into their medical charts. It’s very important for medical assistants to have good attention to detail in asking the right questions, charting the information, and ensuring the information they log is accurate and complete. Medical assistants may also need to enter medical billing codes to ensure insurance companies are billed properly. Each code must be typed accurately to avoid confusion or errors in billing. 

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4.Team Spirit 

Working in the healthcare field is a team effort. Everyone has their own job to do but they share the same end goal which is delivering the best patient care possible. Medical assistants must know how to work together with fellow team members for the benefit of the patient in a polite and upbeat manner. 


Medical assistants belong to a close-knit team. When one person doesn’t pull their weight, the entire team suffers. Dependability is especially crucial in smaller offices, where only a few staff members are present.  Additionally, you need to be reliable to both patients and the entire healthcare team. As an MA, you’ll play a central role in keeping things running smoothly and efficiently for everyone. 


Most medical assisting programs do an excellent job at preparing students with the skills they need to be successful, but the classroom and a real-life job setting are two different things. You may run into situations that you aren’t prepared to deal with. In these moments, it’s important to be teachable, allowing your supervisors to walk you through difficult situations without a guidebook. Your willingness to listen and learn with an open mind will help you immensely in your career. 

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Ready to Get Started? 

These are just some of the skills needed to be a successful medical assistant. It’s okay if you haven’t mastered them yet, as many of these skills will develop throughout your training and career. To learn more about becoming a medical assistant, contact Athena Career Academy today.