Why Do Medical Assistants Pursue This Career?

Posted On January 20,2023

Are you frustrated by the monotony of going to what feels like a dead-end job every day? Do you secretly wish for more, but are worried you don’t have the resources to commit to going back to school? If you are interested in a medical career that doesn’t take years of schooling to achieve, becoming a medical assistant (MA) is an excellent choice.

Male medical assistant standing in hallway of a hospital with other medical assistants and doctors in the background.

Medical assistants enjoy a balanced work life by performing a variety of clinical and administrative duties. The medical field is always looking for passionate people to help take care of patients in a variety of medical facilities, and choosing a career in medical assisting has many benefits.

Job Security and Demand 

One of the most significant benefits to becoming a medical assistant is job security. MA employment is projected to grow by 16% from 2021 to 2031.

Approximately 123,000 openings for MAs are projected each year over the next ten years. Many of these openings will result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or retire, as well as the large baby boomer population aging and requiring more medical services and therefore more medical assistants to keep facilities running smoothly.

Quick Training Program 

Another reason to consider becoming a medical assistant is you can get through your training quickly. Many people want to transition into a new career, but lack the resources to commit to several years of higher education. Training to become a medical assistant can be completed in one year or less, making it an ideal career choice for those who need to get started in the field quickly. 

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Small Investment 

The investment in becoming a medical assistant is small with significant rewards. Unlike attending a traditional four-year college, the cost of attending a medical assisting program pales in comparison. As an MA, you will start your new career without having enormous amounts of student loans to repay. Many vocational schools offer medical assisting programs at a fraction of the cost of attending a degree program at a university. If you’re looking for affordable options, attending a vocational school to become a medical assistant is a great path to follow.

Benefits and Wages 

For a career that doesn’t require several years of schooling to complete, the salary and benefits for medical assistants are better than average. In addition to competitive wages, many medical assistants receive a benefits package that can amount to as much as 30% of their salary. 

Advancement Opportunities 

Once you become a certified medical assistant, it’s easy to find advancement opportunities. You’ll gain a variety of technical, administrative, and soft skills that will make you competitive in any field should you wish to switch careers. Many MAs utilize their vast skill set to transition into similar medical careers.  

Predictable Work Schedule 

For many medical professionals in the healthcare industry, there is a requirement to work long, irregular hours. However, many MAs enjoy working a predictable, family friendly schedule. Medical assistants typically work in clinics that are open during standard business hours. This means you will likely be working a predictable work schedule, leaving plenty of time to spend with family or doing activities you love. 

Are You Ready to Pursue a Medical Assisting Career? 

If you’re looking for a training program that is affordable, quick, and has flexible class options, a vocational school packs a hefty punch. They can prepare you for a rewarding career with focused learning at an affordable price. Athena Career Academy offers training as a Clinical Medical Assistant, designed to teach students the skills needed to work in a modern medical facility in less than a year. New classes start approximately every 6 weeks with no wait list! Let’s talk about your new career today.

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