7 Things Teachers Love About Their Job

Posted On December 3,2020

If you’re thinking about becoming a teacher, chances are you already know you’d be good at it. Teachers usually know early on that they want to be a teacher. If you’re passionate about teaching but are worried about the time and financial commitment necessary for earning your degree, you’re not alone. There are plenty of alternatives to traditional 4 year college degree programs, and finding the right program is easier than you think. Very few teachers regret their career choice, and for good reason. Becoming a teacher is a very rewarding career choice, and there are so many reasons why teachers love their job.

Teacher helping two students with their class work and lessons.

1. Making a Difference

While this one may sound a bit cliché, one of the best aspects of becoming a teacher is the ability to make a difference in a child’s life. Teachers not only make a difference when it comes to academics, but they can make a positive impact in the lives of the children and families they work with far beyond lesson plans. Some teachers even inspire their students to become teachers themselves.

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2. Creativity is Encouraged

Another thing many teachers love about their job is that creativity is encouraged. In fact, teaching is an excellent career choice for creative personalities because teachers need to be able to create lessons and activities that will motivate and inspire their students to want to learn. The best teachers think outside the box and continually add creative ways to teach the fundamentals.

3. Working With Kids

Let’s face it, when it comes to co-workers, it doesn’t get much better than a room full of silly, joyful children who are happy just to see you every day. Teachers truly love working with kids and consider teaching to be more of a passion or a calling than a job.

4. It’s Never Boring

As an ECE teacher, you can almost guarantee that your day will never be boring! Unlike working in a traditional office setting where you’re often tied to a desk for 8 hours a day, you’ll be on-the-go as an ECE teacher. In addition to getting plenty of exercise, you’ll also get to participate in activities that are fun and engaging.

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5. Connecting With Colleagues

For many teachers, one of the things they love most about their job is the close and long-lasting connections they make with their colleagues. Teachers share a special bond, and enjoy being able to collaborate, plan, and share their ideas with each other, making their job more enjoyable and rewarding.

6. You’re Always Learning

As a teacher, it’s not just your students that enjoy learning, but you as well. Teachers love to learn and as far as they’re concerned, the learning process never stops. Teachers love being able to research, plan, and organize new and improved ways of doing something. They also love the challenge of helping students understand a new concept, even if it means they themselves have to learn or adjust the way they teach in order to help their student understand it. Teachers love learning from their students just as much as they love being able to teach them.

7. Each Year is a New Beginning

One of the most unique aspects of teaching is that each new year brings about a new beginning and with each new school year, there is the gift of being able to start fresh with a clean slate. The ability to shake off those things that didn’t go as planned the prior year is like getting a second chance and that’s not possible with many other careers.

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While teaching isn’t always sunshine and roses, most teachers can’t imagine doing anything else. Teaching is a passion, and for those who answer the calling, they rarely have any regrets, except “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” If you’re considering a career in early childhood education, contact Athena Career Academy for more information about our accredited ECE program. We have an awesome team of advisors, flexible class schedules, and faculty who are invested in your success. Let us help you get started on a short path to your new career today!