How Becoming a Nurse in 12 Months Changed My Life

Posted On July 23,2015

A few years ago, I made a career decision that set my life on a new course, and opened up my doors of opportunity in so many amazing ways.Become a nurse in just 12 months! Are you located in Toledo Ohio and looking to start a nursing career? Contact Athena Career Academy today!

I was at a place in my life where I was searching for a career of purpose that would help me overcome my financial woes. I needed stability and a sense of contribution to my community. And, most of all, I wanted to see myself as a professional, working adult. That’s when I found out about nursing, and all of the possibilities I could explore if I only got the education I needed. An investment of 12 short months provided me with a wide range of job opportunities in my city, a sense of purpose, and a fresh start to my life in a career I am proud of.

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Here are just a few of the countless ways my life has changed since becoming a nurse.

  1.  I finally have a career with a purpose. I don’t have to spend my days working multiple part-time jobs just to make ends meet. My job as a nurse really, truly matters to my employer and to the lives I help save every day. I have a career that really does make a difference to help improve society.

  2. I am challenged by my job every day. As a Practical Nurse, I am challenged in many ways that I never envisioned for myself. Early on, I never pictured myself working in the medical field. But after learning more about what Practical Nurses do, my mind was quickly changed. I have so many more important work responsibilities now than I ever did in my past part-time jobs. I am able to administer medications and IVs that help keep people alive, check my patients’ vital signs, monitor and evaluate patient care needs, and conduct dressing and wound care procedures. Even on the worst of days – when I have to deal with difficult patients- I still am challenged to provide the care and support my patients desperately need during a very vulnerable time in their lives.

  3. There are numerous job opportunities as a Practical Nurse throughout my community. I can work in hospitals, doctor’s offices, schools, outpatient care facilities, rehabilitation facilities, clinics, jails/prisons, community social work centers, and even private home settings. There is a great need for nurses, so finding employment isn’t too difficult.

  4. My job as a Practical Nurse has brought me financial stability. Working full-time as a nurse has changed my financial situation drastically. I’m no longer working for minimum wage, but instead earn around $40,000 a year. I finally have job security as a nurse. I am able to put money into savings, and have more disposable income than I ever did before. Long gone are the days of struggling to pay for groceries or writing late rent checks.

  5. I finished college with minimal debt from student loans. In 2013, the average college student finished school with around $30,000 in debt. I received the training I needed to be a Practical Nurse in only 12 months, and finished with less than half of that. Because I took daytime classes during the week, I was able to work in the evenings and on weekends to help pay for school. Now, I have more money to spend on the things I want and I’m not burdened with huge student loan payments every month.

My life changed because I made the choice to become a nurse. That new career path began at Athena Career Academy. It was the best choice I ever could have made, and my life is better now because I took that first step and filled out the Contact Us form online. If you’d like to start a new career in a field that can change your life, and the lives of those around you, take the time to contact Athena Career Academy today. Your new beginning awaits.